Zucchini squash are one of the easiest vegetables to grow. They produce lots of fruit, so we’re constantly trying to figure out creative ways to use them. Zucchini chips are the perfect savory snack or dinner side.

These are easy, relatively quick, and a healthy snack that 2 out of my 4 kids highly recommend. (They’re not the best food critics, so just trust me; these are delicious).


  • 1 large or 2 medium zucchini squash (yellow squash is fine too)
  • 3-4 T of olive oil or avocado oil
  • Garlic powder
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Grated parmesan

Couple of tips. First, I like avocado oil because you don’t get the “olivy” taste that you get with olive oil. It also has a higher smoking point, so even though we’re only baking these at 325, I tend to use it anytime I’m roasting vegetables. Secondly, fresh grated parmesan from the block is the only kind of parmesan I’ll use. To me the powdered container stuff doesn’t even compare, but you do you.


  • Preheat oven to 325
  • Line 2 cookie sheets with aluminum foil or parchment paper
  • Spray generously with non-stick cooking spray (trust me, these suckers like to stick)
  • Slice squash thin and evenly (a mandoline is helpful for nice, uniform chips but not necessary)
  • Lay squash chips on cooking pan, snuggled close but not overlapping
  • Use a pastry brush to lightly and evenly coat the tops of each chip with oil
  • Dust with salt, pepper and garlic powder
  • Sprinkle with grated parmesan
  • Place in the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes, until slightly golden on top.
  • Let cool for about 10 minutes (this allows them to crisp up)