When I decided to start blogging, I knew I wanted a designated space in our home for me to work and write. A fun, inspiring work area is a breeding ground for creativity, for adults and kids alike. A small cozy space to call your own can be an oasis for prayer, meditating, reading, or just sitting with a cup of coffee by yourself in a “chaos free” zone.

Our house has a small office, if you want to call it that. During one addition to our 150-year-old farmhouse, a kitchen and small laundry room were added. When a second large addition was added years later and eventually housed a new kitchen, the old one became a large mudroom and the small room became, really nothing. When we moved we made it a small office. It does the job, but I wouldn’t call it an inspiring space for me.

Our small 8×6 office. Shelves made from our barn wood, desk is butcher block and desk legs

For several years my husband, a graphic and web designer, worked out of our home so he was given free rein of the office space. While he is very organized, his propensity for collecting small trinkets, memorabilia, and collectibles from his teens and 20’s is not his most charming feature, in my opinion. We’re talking Marvin the Martian figurines, collector bottles, a lava lamp- the list goes on- that he brought with him to this new tiny space. With the room being so small, we struggled to keep it organized and it became an out-of-sight, out-of-mind landfill for all our mail and documents as well. The final straw was when my husband lost his passport and found himself at the airport praying for a miracle.  I found it under a pile of junk in our office and rushed it to him with literally minutes to spare. I took the opportunity while he was out of the country to purge and declutter, showing no mercy for any of his trinkets and toys (ok maybe a little mercy for Marvin and few others). In the end, he was thankful and glad to have a useful working space again.

Reporter’s notebook from when Nick interned with the Philadelphia Inquirer

But even with a more organized office, I still wanted my own space. I completely appreciate the ridiculousness of wanting a SECOND office for myself, when I know many people don’t even have one. But I realized you don’t need an entire room to make an inspiring and workable space. We have a bonus loft that is basically the school/craft room for the kids. I’d rather our kids share a room, which they do, than give up a fun working space for an extra bedroom.

Nick made this kid’s table. No chairs needed, they just kneel on the carpet

Our signature shelves, our own barn wood and steel brackets

An antique desk I was given as a child

I took over the back 1/3 of the room and set my desk in front of a window facing the back wall. I then added some simple decor to this wall. The kid’s area takes up the front 2/3 of the room.  When I’m working and typing, or looking out the window overlooking our flower garden, it feels as though I’m in a completely separate room from the kids crafting chaos behind me, and it works out just fine.

My space, the back 1/3. You’d never know the kid’s area was behind me!

This is where I sit in peace for my quiet time in the mornings, work on my blog, research nutrition topics, and make crafts and personalized gifts with my vinyl cutter. Often the kids are behind me doing their own crafts and we enjoy being together.

Our signature shelf, and hanging greenery I picked up at the Chandelier Barn Market

I love changing out my letterboard! Hanging flowers also from the Chandelier Barn Market

I encourage you to find a spot in your house that inspires or relaxes you. It doesn’t have to be an entire room. It may be a small corner where you place a desk, some flowers and wall art. Maybe it’s a cluttered closet you can clean out and add some shelves and a small desk and chair. If you really don’t have any extra square footage, find an unused or un-purposed area of the house and get creative. Pick up a fun cozy chair and side table for your coffee, a few books and maybe a photo or two. Pinterest ideas for organizing small spaces or offices. Give yourself a space to be creative, journal, or just sit in the morning and have your coffee and skim social media.

I’d love to see what you come up with! Share it with me here, on Facebook or Instagram.