Disclaimer, I stole this question. I’m new to blogging so out of fear of plagiarizing I’m being completely transparent and throwing that out there. I didn’t even steal it from the original author, I stole it from someone who borrowed it. Sometime last year I stumbled across Jen Hatmaker’s podcast For the Love. She interviews strong, intelligent, women (mostly) who are killing it in life, business, faith, food, and so much more. At the end of each interview, she asks her guest “What is saving your life right now?” The answer can be serious or funny, anything from prayer to Gas-X. I love this podcast and my favorite part is the end when she poses this question.

Last night I was finishing a blog post on the importance of not skipping breakfast. I feel confident about my knowledge on this topic, but skimming through research articles I came across some with conflicting information. I want more time to dig before I post. There’s so much unfounded crap on the internet when it comes to health and nutrition, and it’s very important to me that I sort through it and make sure what I tell you is truthful and helpful. So stay tuned for that. For now, I thought I’d do something a little lighter. In fact, I may do this once a week.

What is saving my life this week?   

  1. My favorite podcasts. For the Love with Jen Hatmaker is top on my list right now. Every episode. I’m working my way through each one because even when I read the synopsis and think I won’t get much from a particular guest, it never fails I am pleasantly surprised and blessed.  Some other podcasts I’m enjoying right now are That Sounds Fun with Annie F Downs, Parenting Great Kids with Dr. Meg Meeker, and Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu.
  2. Girl, Wash your Face. That’s not a command, it’s a book by Rachel Hollis and I finished it yesterday. It was light and easy to read but also full of insight, wisdom, and tough love for people in my demographic- young (ish) women trying to do it all. I listened to it on my Audible app, which is also saving my life these days. There’s no time to sit and read when you’re doing it all, right?
  3. Iced coffee. It’s a steamy 95 degrees outside this week in Southern Indiana and a cup of iced coffee in the afternoon feels almost as heavenly as a hot cup first thing in the morning. I have a video on my Instagram feed showing how I make mine. Which reminds me, if you’re not already hanging out with me on Instagram, please find me @villagefarmlife.

  4. My current PA student. I frequently take students for their family medicine rotation during their intern year of PA school and the last few years I’ve noticed a shift. As Matthew McConaughey once famously quoted in the movie Dazed and Confused, “I get older, and they stay the same age.” I have so little in common with these single 25-year-olds that frankly it’s just plain awkward sometimes. In my mind, we’re only a few years apart. In reality, we’re almost ten years apart and I have no clue what they’re talking about. I see their eyes glaze over when I tell them something hilarious my kid did that morning. And they wear so much eye-brow makeup. My current student is my age, a mom, and starting a second career. When I talk about my postpartum hair loss or kick her out of my office so I can pump, I can feel the solidarity.
  5. Dry Shampoo. I’m telling you, it’s a game changer. I know, I know, you exercise and get sweaty. Your hair gets greasy if you don’t wash it every day. Your hair is curly and doesn’t look right if you sleep on it. I promise you there is a way to utilize dry shampoo for any and all types of hair and activity. Yes, I still shower but I use those plastic shower caps made for old ladies. I can’t go a week like some amazing women out there, but I only wash my hair every 2-3 days now and it feels so good to have one less thing not taking up my time. My “beauty routine” in the morning most days is down to about 7 minutes. Google, YouTube, of Pinterest “how to use dry shampoo with x type of hair” and figure it out.

There you have it! Your mission this week: go listen to “For the Love,” consider reading “Girl, Wash Your Face,” enjoy a cup of iced coffee, embrace your age, and try going one day without washing your hair!

Tell me, what is saving your life this week?